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'Using InterX has cured my hayfever'

Published on May 4th, 2021

Do you suffer from hayfever? Have you tried everything you can think of to relieve it? What would you say if you heard it could not only be relieved but cured?

InterX treatment is tried and tested cutting edge technology yet few people have heard of it. Here is just one review from a very relieved client:

Using InterX treatment has cured my hay fever!

For the last 8 years I have had early hay fever, sometimes starting as early as January and lasting until the end of May. Those who suffer from hay fever know how disabling this can be. A half hours walk by the river or in the park and my eyes are red and sore and I cannot wear contact lenses (which I wear all day normally). I will sneeze repeatedly, just like a heavy cold, for several days. My nose is often completely blocked which makes sleeping more difficult. I feel very tired and drained.

Since I started using InterX, guided by the skilful Anne, my hay fever has just disappeared. This is against the trend where it was getting worse year after year. I would normally take antihistamine for months which would help somewhat but I would still have to avoid certain places. Now, just when the weather is getting warmer again, I have been free to go wherever I want and enjoy the spring flowers with no side effects. Before the InterX treatment, I was just starting to have hay fever symptoms and couldn’t wear my contact lenses for several days. But now I have worn them for months with no problems at all. I have asthma and chronic rhinitis so I often have blocked sinuses, but InterX has really helped my breathing.

I can heartedly recommend InterX treatment. There are no side effects, it is not invasive and has really made a difference to my life. Thanks Anne


How Many People Suffer From Hay Fever In The UK?

According to NHS data, approximately 20% of UK residents are hay fever sufferers.

The results of a survey with a sample size of 2,245 respondents found that individuals aged 45-54 were most likely to be affected by hay fever allergies, with 25% of this age group claiming to have the condition. Only slightly fewer people aged 35-44 were sufferers at 24.5% while 25-34 year olds report 23% complaining of reactions to pollen. Those who suffered the least appeared to be the youngest and eldest age groups surveyed, with 19% of 16-24 year olds and 22% of 55-64 year olds saying they have a hay fever allergy.

(Source: Global Web Index, Quarterly Survey, Q3 and Q4 data on health conditions in the UK and other locations.)

These hay fever statistics suggest that UK residents are more likely to complain of hay fever than of almost any other ongoing condition, including asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol, migraines, physical disabilities, skin conditions and sleeping problems. The only categories that come close are mental health problems in those aged 16-19 and arthritis and high blood pressure in people aged between 55 and 64. Hay fever is the most common of these conditions for both men and women, with female respondents suffering the most at 27%. 19% of men said they had a hay fever allergy by contrast. In women, the two next most common conditions were migraines and mental health conditions, while for men they were asthma and mental health issues.

While medication can offer some benefit, the InterX treatments have shown that a full cure is possible in as little as two months. If you are a hay fever sufferer you can imagine how being free of symptoms could change your life!

If you would like more information then please call me on 07779 099210 or email me for a free initial telephone consultation or to book a treatment. My therapy room is based in Fulham SW6 although home visits are available in special circumstances upon request.

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